My Books
A Place in Greece
Gabrielle buys a ramshackle property in Greece and ends up with a new life and maybe a new love...
Getting Away
An accidental kidnapping results in unexpected adventure for our girl Nancy, who not only finds her true self, she also finds true love...
Sand in my shoes
Join Ella and her friends on their girls' holiday to the sunny island of Crete, Greece. Returning home, the memories come flooding back of the fun they had and of Yiannis, the barmen she met there...

All Things April

Good day and happy Spring to you! Blossom is blossoming in all its colourful glory and skies are once again blue.

Personal Stuff

Personal StuffApril is one of my favourite months as we emerge from the dregs of winter. Leaves are growing back on the trees, the days are longer and brighter and we can start looking forward to the summer ahead. And this year we are feeling it more than most. After the long, dark months of lockdown, the restrictions are finally loosening and we can once again meet up with a group of friends for a drink or meal, albeit outside a pub, in the cold, wearing a rather large puffer jacket and fingerless gloves.

April is also my birthday month so it's even more super-duper for me. This year we've booked a (self-contained) weekend away in stunning Cornwall, as I imagine, have most of the population of the UK. Still, I cannot wait to get away for a little break with the hubster.

Book Stuff

Newsletter & Mailchimp

Book-wise, things are progressing nicely. Firstly, I've managed to set up a Mailchimp account and am in the process of creating a newsletter template, so I can spread my waffle much further a-field, as well as keep all my numerous ‘fans’ updated on my progress. In order to use the Mailchimp newsletter service, you need to provide an address that will show up at the bottom of the page. While I'm sure my lovely followers wish to send me nothing but good wishes, there is a teensy-weensy chance I could get followed by a nutter, so displaying my home address for all to see maybe I'll-advised. I am therefore now the proud owner of Unit 68243, PO Box 7169. Sounds pretty, right? I'm sure it will be lovely when I've hung the curtains and made the place my own.

Book Cover Designer Excitement

Secondly, and more excitingly (for me anyway), is that I’ve decided to treat myself to a professionally designed book cover by an actual professional Book Cover Designer. How about that then? I did really like the cover the hubster designed for me but we are no experts in the field and according to some of the FB critiques I got, it was not really the right vibe for the genre.

So, after spending some time trying to work out what the hell my genre is, I have plumped for Contemporary Romance/Adventure Romance/Romantic Comedy or something along that line. Luckily I’ve been in touch with a Cover Designer who seems to know what she’s doing and has way more experience of this than me. I have sent her my info and am very excited to see what she comes up with.

So, Happy Birthday to Me!!!! 

So happy birthday to me!

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