My Books
A Place in Greece
Gabrielle buys a ramshackle property in Greece and ends up with a new life and maybe a new love...
Getting Away
An accidental kidnapping results in unexpected adventure for our girl Nancy, who not only finds her true self, she also finds true love...
Sand in my shoes
Join Ella and her friends on their girls' holiday to the sunny island of Crete, Greece. Returning home, the memories come flooding back of the fun they had and of Yiannis, the barmen she met there...

September Update

We’re still (just) in September and I’m sending out my September update just before the end of the month, which is a huge improvement on last month’s shamefully late August edition.

Personal Bits - Weddings & Holidays - Back in Business!

Personal Bits - Weddings & Holidays - Back in Business!Last weekend we went to our first wedding since lockdown - remember the Hen Party where I was the oldest swinger in town? This was the consequent wedding - and it was fabulous! Despite the forecast, the sun shone for them and we danced the night away.

Other exciting news is that the Hubster and I have booked a holiday!Yay! Ok, it’s not until April 2022 but it was a good deal so I took a chance. I’m already counting down the days (weeks, months, years...)

Book Bits

Almost there!

Things are moving on. My book is pretty much completed, and I’m in the process of working out how to format it in Scrivener to get it ready to upload to Amazon and the other publishing platforms.

Almost there!After a slight update to my blurb, my book cover was finalised and I’ve been sent the files from my marvellous cover designer, Clarissa Kezen. Not only has she sent me the files I need, but also some fabulous marketing images, that not only look great but has saved me lots of time doing it myself. If you are looking for a cover designer, check out Clarissa’s covers at CK Book Cover Designs. I would certainly recommend her services (and patience) and would very much like to work with her again for future books.

On another note about my cover, the image we have used was one I found on Unsplash. While these are free-to-use images, I did send a message to the photographer, Hussein Siraaj, and let him know I would be using the image for my cover. While I didn’t have to do this, I thought it would cover me for any potential future disputes, and also because I wanted to say thanks. It’s a great picture!

Podcast Appreciation

Podcast AppreciationPodcasts have played a huge part in my writing and indie-publishing learning curve. One, in particular, is The Creative Penn podcast hosted by Joanna Penn which I’ve been listening to for several years, including her backlist. With author interviews and publishing news I love her insightful questions, her enthusiasm and her honesty. So much so that I finally got around to signing up to Patreon and sponsoring the show. It’s great to feel like I’m giving something back for all her virtual help over the past few years and to hopefully contribute to the continuation of the show. As a bonus, I now get access to the Patreon members Q&A bonus episodes, so I’m rapidly working my way through them to glean as much information as I can. If you haven’t listened to the show before, I recommend The Creative Penn from wherever you get your Podcasts.

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