My Books
A Place in Greece
Gabrielle buys a ramshackle property in Greece and ends up with a new life and maybe a new love...
Getting Away
An accidental kidnapping results in unexpected adventure for our girl Nancy, who not only finds her true self, she also finds true love...
Sand in my shoes
Join Ella and her friends on their girls' holiday to the sunny island of Crete, Greece. Returning home, the memories come flooding back of the fun they had and of Yiannis, the barmen she met there...

November Update


Yes I know technically it's is officially December, but November flew by so quickly I'm sure I can be excused. The biggest news of all is that I am now a published author, yipper dee doo dah! That's it done, finito, see ya later! Haha, don't worry, I'm not done yet, I know I've still got a loooooooong way to go.

The Launch

Pictures of Getting AwayYes, I finally got round to publishing my debut novel, Getting Away! My original plan was to slip it out gently, not tell too many people, stay under the radar (hence the pen name), and then start the next one, however, plans change. The hubster sent it out on FB with a picture of me so suddenly people were asking questions. I thought it only fair to let my own friends & fam know so I put a post out just saying I'd written a RomCom and for any interested parties to let me know. And I'm so glad I did. I've had such lovely support from everybody and even some sales! If you're one of those lovely peeps, thank you so much for showing an interest, I really do appreciate it.

There is a Christmas cocktail social evening planned for later in the month, to which I have been invited to bring some of my books to hand out/sell (thank you Shelly!). Although I still feel a bit of an author imposter, it is a great opportunity I can't turn down, plus it will be Christmassy and fun! No doubt there will be some piccies I can share with you! So much for keeping under the radar.


In other writing news, I signed up for my first Nanowrimo! I was up an hour before work every day and managed to reach 20 thousand words! Ok it's not the Nano goal of 50k, and I'm not going to win any prizes, but it's 20k words more than I would have otherwise have written and a quarter of the way to my next novel, so on the whole I'm pretty pleased with myself.

So now we are into December, the season of over-indulgence and twinkly lights. I have way too much going on at the moment so will just be squeezing my writing in here and there. So here's looking forward to a fun and festive month ahead! 



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