My Books
A Place in Greece
Gabrielle buys a ramshackle property in Greece and ends up with a new life and maybe a new love...
Getting Away
An accidental kidnapping results in unexpected adventure for our girl Nancy, who not only finds her true self, she also finds true love...
Sand in my shoes
Join Ella and her friends on their girls' holiday to the sunny island of Crete, Greece. Returning home, the memories come flooding back of the fun they had and of Yiannis, the barmen she met there...

My Better-Late-Than-Never New Year's Post - Part II

Bring on 2021!

My Better-Late-Than-Never New Year's Post - Part IIHere in England, we have been plunged into yet another lockdown. Like most of my fellow countrymen I will be staying home and staying safe for the foreseeable future and I am more determined than ever to use my time well and finally get my bl**dy book published!

To Resolution or Not to Resolution (yes I know Resolution isn't a verb)
I hate to use the term ‘New Years’ Resolutions’ but whether they are resolutions or not, many of us take time to reassess our lives and resolve to make any changes that will help improve our physical, mental and financial wellbeing. No, we don’t have to do this in January every year but it is just such a good time to take hold and reflect on the past year and what we want to see in our future. It just wouldn’t be quite the same if we did it on the 17th February or 21st of July.

Many ‘resolutions’ are health-related, losing weight, running a marathon blahdy blahdy blah. That is a given, after the gluttony and excesses of the holiday period, we all pledge to cut back on the sweet treats and naughtiness. And while it is a truth universally acknowledged that most NY resolutions are broken before the stroke of midnight on the 15th of January, I have a few plans and goals for 2021 that are achievable, pandemic or no pandemic.

Here are my Top 5 Goals for 2021:

1. Publish my Book

It’s nearly there! I just need to finalise a few things, like the blurb and the cover and then it’s all systems go! This sounds easy-peasy and then I realise there is a whole lot more to do like organise pre-sales, an Advanced Reader group, advertising, oh and how to format the bloomin’ thing! Eek head explosion time again, but I WILL succeed!

2. Start Book 2

Let’s assume that I actually manage to achieve Goal 1 and get my debut book out there into the big wide world. I then need to move on to book 2, this should be easy as I already have 5 or 6 started and at least a trillion going around in my head. I just need to put pen to paper right? Or should that be finger to keyboard, write? I just hope book 2 doesn’t take 18 years to finish like book 1 otherwise I may never get there.

3. Bring more Creativity into my Life

I love being creative but I find this always takes a back seat to the rest of life. With this in mind, I’ve just signed up for a virtual online abstract painting course. For all I know, I could be extremely talented at this, I could also be quite rubbish. But really, how hard can it be to slap a bit of paint on some paper? I will post some of my paint- slapped creations on Instagram for the world to marvel at. Wish me luck!

4. Stay Healthy

This is pretty simple for me as I already have a routine of strength training, walking and running. I’m lucky to live in a beautiful part of the world and also be a member of a local social/sporty group who arranges loads of events and new things to try (pandemics permitting). It’s a great excuse to get out to meet friends and make new ones. I’ve already purchased a new set of higher weight dumbbells and some new running leggings so I am good to get set and go! 

5. Do the things I’ve missed in 2020

We are all hoping to get back to some relative normality at some point in 2021 and with the new vaccines already being dolled out, there is hope on the horizon. 2020 taught us to appreciate everything we had previously taken for granted. Being close to family and friends, socialising in pubs & restaurants, and travelling to places far away. So as soon as I am able, I will be hugging everyone I know while drinking copious amounts of wine in a public place, somewhere on the coast of the Mediterranean!

Cheers and Yammas to you!

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