My Books
A Place in Greece
Gabrielle buys a ramshackle property in Greece and ends up with a new life and maybe a new love...
Getting Away
An accidental kidnapping results in unexpected adventure for our girl Nancy, who not only finds her true self, she also finds true love...
Sand in my shoes
Join Ella and her friends on their girls' holiday to the sunny island of Crete, Greece. Returning home, the memories come flooding back of the fun they had and of Yiannis, the barmen she met there...

Ebook Publishing Information Gathering

Listening to Writers' Podcasts

Ebook Publishing Information GatheringBefore starting to write I like to research, indeed, researching is all part of the fun. Because I’m planning to publish an e-book for the first time, I needed to know all about thi

s to get my head in the game. For months I’ve been listening to Podcasts like AskAlli Self-Publishing Advice, The Creative Penn and The Worried Writer. I believe that listening to podcasts while out on my daily run will make all the intelligent things they are saying seep into my brain and provide a good, healthy sedentary foundation layer of knowledge. I have tried several other podcasts over time but many are way over my little novice writer head, so I ditched them and stuck to the ones I found most relevant to me, the ones with the most useful information and the most entertaining.

Online Information About Publishing

I’ve also been reading blog posts and websites, trying to glean as much advice as I can about the craft of writing, the process of publishing a book online and all the marketing that goes with it. I like to gather all my data, all the knowledge and experiences of others, in the hope that it will give me a leg up my writing ladder.

I've joined a few writer Facebook Groups to try and find like-minded folk, again my findings have been mixed. I'm not the best at Social Media, I tend to find it a bit of a chore but am learning to love it. Yes there are some (and by that I mean 'lots of') crazies on there, but there are many useful posts with credible advice, and it's good to know there are first-time writers like me out there, struggling with the same issues.

I have to say, there is A LOT of information out there! Some useful, some not so useful, some conflicting and some just weird! I will however continue to filter out the helpful wheat from the useless chaff and play to my instincts. If it feels right, I will do it (after reading several more posts and pondering over it for several months - I'm not one for rash decisions). Eventually I hope to end up with a streamlined river of useful and relevant information which I can dip into and potentially share with others along the way.

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