My Books
A Place in Greece
Gabrielle buys a ramshackle property in Greece and ends up with a new life and maybe a new love...
Getting Away
An accidental kidnapping results in unexpected adventure for our girl Nancy, who not only finds her true self, she also finds true love...
Sand in my shoes
Join Ella and her friends on their girls' holiday to the sunny island of Crete, Greece. Returning home, the memories come flooding back of the fun they had and of Yiannis, the barmen she met there...

Final Phase, Pre-Publishing (it's getting closer!)

There is so much information out there about writing craft, editing, formatting and marketing that for so many authors writing their first novel, this can be a little bit daunting. This may not be a fun or fact-filled post but the aim is to record each step on my path to self-publishing, so here it is.

One step at a time

One step at a timeI have taken the decision to take it one step at a time, slowly, slowly catchy monkey. Rather than dive straight in, I will work out how to do each step, making notes for myself as I go along. This means that by the time I publish my second, third and fourth books (I’m feeling optimistic), it should all be a lot quicker and easier.

Formatting Fun

For instance, I am currently trying to work out how to change the formatting on Scrivener to fit my 5x8 book size choice. As well as selecting fonts and researching how I can prevent ‘page bleed’. Also, in what format do I upload to the various platforms, epub? mobi? pdf? I’ve found that the Amazon Help pages have been really useful for this.

I’ve had a few issues that I’ve so far figured out, such as when I first compiled my manuscript, the page headings were incorrect. I had recently updated the name of the project I was working on but the left-hand page read the name of the previous project. The right-hand page heading was my real name, not my author name. After a bit of fiddling, I managed to discover how to change the, but all this takes time.

As a new author, I can safely make mistakes without too much risk. I am brand new, with no existing following and I can literally learn on the job.

KDP Select/Kindle Unlimited - Second Thoughts

KDP Select/Kindle Unlimited - Second ThoughtsTo try and simplify this for myself, I’ve taken the decision to upload to KDP Select/KU, rather than go Wide, as previously planned.

This is for various reasons:

  1. This will give me 90 days to find my Amazon feet, and learn the ropes. I can still upload my paperback to the other platforms (the Amazon exclusivity in KU is for eBooks only), and I can take my time to do this.
  2. I’ve heard a few Podcasts recently that have recommended KU for first-time authors, see how it works for their book.
  3. I can take advantage of the KU 5 days free offer and marketing they offer.
  4. I think I should try KU at least once, so it’s better to do this first and then move wide, rather than go Wide and move back to KU. It’s not advised to keep hopping in and out.
  5. I asked the question on one of my Facebook groups for Romance Authors, and the recommendation came back as KU for the Romance genre.
  6. There’s nothing to lose. If I don’t make any sales in the 90 days, I will take it out of KU and try going wide

Final Bits & Bobs

Now I’ve made this decision I am ready to go! I’ve even composed the all-important Back Matter, Acknowledgements and Author Bio (ugh!), remembering to thank all those who have supported me on the way. That’s the creative stuff done, just the technical bits to figure out now, let’s hope it’s easier than I’m expecting it to be...

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