My Books
A Place in Greece
Gabrielle buys a ramshackle property in Greece and ends up with a new life and maybe a new love...
Getting Away
An accidental kidnapping results in unexpected adventure for our girl Nancy, who not only finds her true self, she also finds true love...
Sand in my shoes
Join Ella and her friends on their girls' holiday to the sunny island of Crete, Greece. Returning home, the memories come flooding back of the fun they had and of Yiannis, the barmen she met there...

Feeling a Little Deflated

Hitting the Brakes

Hitting the BrakesWhilst in lockdown I went into full gusto mode and powered forward with my book. I amended it to bring it up to date, I created a pen name, social media accounts and even posted one or two things (alas social media does not come naturally to me). I listened to podcasts about writing, joined Facebook groups and even found some friendly Beta Readers willing to read through my 81k word novel.

Since then I seem to have come to a big fat potbellied halt and I need to get my ass back into gear. Out of my three Beta Readers, one read through my entire novel in double quick time and was very helpful with her feedback and storyline suggestions. The second, was also very knowledgeable and meticulously worked through my writing offering grammar and sentence structure advice. Unfortunately, she was having a few personal issues and was unable to read through more than a couple of chapters. Lastly, my third Beta has not responded to my messages (I only asked if she still wanted to read it - I wasn’t hounding, honestly!). She has since changed her name and disappeared into the ether which is a little disconcerting. While I absolutely appreciate people volunteering their time for free, and understand we all have issues and lives to lead, I do feel a little disappointed.

I also wrote a blurb for the back of my book and posted it on a forum for feedback. I accept that it does need some work (being my first one and all) and did receive much helpful advice, some not so helpful mind you, but most of it positive. I am rather putting off doing the revision though.


OverwhelmedI now feel a little bit overwhelmed and not sure where to go from here as I have more questions than answers.

Do I update my book with the feedback from my one and a half Beta readers and then try and find some more Betas to read it? Do I send it out as it is now and then do all the updates at the end?

Should I get my blurb updated first?

Should I find an editor? Do I really need one? Is it worth the money for a debut book that may not sell any copies?

When do I get a cover made? I’m not even really sure what my genre is (quizzical emoji face).

Is there any point doing social media before my book is actually published?

My original time scale to publish in September has clearly been lobbed right out of the window so now I’m thinking maybe aim for next Spring. This will give me time to get all my sh*t together, to get it out to new Betas, get the editing done and get my cover done without the added time pressure. I’m guessing that the best time to publish what is essentially a ‘Summer Read’ is not in winter, or should I get it out there for the Christmas market? Do people want to read about warm sunny days in the chilly months that lie ahead?

I sometimes feel that I just want to get this book out there no matter how many copies I sell or how much money I make. It is rare to make a success out of one’s debut novel so maybe this could be my initial guinea pig book, just get it out there and learn the process as I go along. I can then move on to my second, third and fourth novels which will, of course, become best sellers*. How we’ll look back and laugh at my crazy first book and my naivete about the simple world of self-publishing and promotion.

But I do still want it to be the best I can do. It’s my first-born book baby. I want it to be good. I must make some decisions.

*still dreaming the dream

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