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Amelia Short Author
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Hello there and welcome to my author website!

Thank you for popping in, it’s nice to have you here!

My little website is primarily a blog which I’ve started for a plethora of reasons. Mainly because I like to write, which probably comes as no surprise for someone with an author website.

After years, months and days of procrastination, I finally completed writing my very first fiction book and have entered the world of self-publishing. The title is Getting Away and the book is a Rom-Com idea I've had for years that I've finally put down on paper. This blog is not only to make myself accountable but also to track my progress, from novice novelist to best-selling, multi-award-winning author, and you, my friend are coming along for the ride, you lucky thing!

I jest of course but I will be using these pages to diary my journey along the way, noting the problems and pitfalls, questions and solutions that will hopefully lead to a modicum of success. It will also sometimes just be me waffling on about stuff, sorry about that.

If I can gather some followers or like-minded souls along the way, that will be nice. So welcome aboard, buckle up and scream if you want to go faster.

The Night(mare) Before Christmas

A little festive ditty for you...

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Winning at NaNoWriMo

My top tips and how I succeeded in writing 50,000 words in one month

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The Inspirational Locations in Getting Away

Follow me on a journey through the locations that inspired my debut novel, Getting Away

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My Lessons Learned in the Book Biz - So Far

Don't to be anxious about what you don't yet know - Congratulate yourself on how far you've come

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Sand In My Shoes - A free short story from me to you!

An introduction to my short romance story - Sand In My Shoes. FREE to anyone who signs up for my newsletter

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Amelia Short - Getting Away - Available now on Amazon

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"Sometimes being in the wrong place at the wrong time can lead to an unexpected romantic adventure."

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